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Mega Master Technology is a performance textile manufacturer of athletic and outerwear fabrics. As the fabric producing division of the much larger fiber producing and spinning companies, Liang Woei and NanYa, the in-house yarn R&D department allows them to be experimental and innovative with developments. This mill is at the forefront of sustainable fabric development including Recycled polyester (both chemical and mechanically processed), Eco nylons and Biodegradable polyester.


Eco Nylon 1805: This particular polyamide (nylon) structure can absorb more dye in a shorter amount of time, resulting in brighter and more saturated color while using far less water and energy, therefore reducing the carbon footprint. This type of nylon has a better hand-feel than traditional nylons, can produce a lovelier "bulky" effect and can be mixed with wool or cotton.

Liang Woei is proud to unveil their Chromuch Color System. This new method of polyester Dope Dyeing combines pigments with dyestuff so it can achieve the perfect balance of saturation and color-fastness. This system currently offers 1000 colors (with plans to expand), minimum quantities as low as 500kg (approximately 1000 yds), extremely bright (including neon) and dark colors, and all colors can pass a 4 grade for color fastness. Chromuch is more eco-friendly than traditional dyeing because it uses 64% less energy, has 78% less CO2 emissions, and uses 94% less water in processing. There is also a new, recycled polyester version of Chromuch.

EcoGreen is Mega Master's branded recycled polyester. The regeneration process for recycled polyester starts with PET water bottles. They are shredded into "flakes" and melted into pellets. These pellets are extruded into filament fibers which are texturized and used to make fabric. Pellets can be dope dyed and incorporated into the Chromuch system or kept pure and dyed with regular processes. 

Currently, there are some very exciting innovations being developed for Biodegradable Polyester. The polyester pellets have organic additives added to them which allow for the fabric to deteriorate in anaerobic (landfill) conditions. The additives attract microbes that penetrate and expand the polymer chain so it begins degrading into carbon dioxide and methane. Still under development and testing, current results are at 426 days for 39.7% biodegradation under normal landfill conditions using the ASTM D5511 Method. 

Chromuch Color Card

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Recycled Polyester Process

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